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Digital Illustration by Will Scharlott

Three Lessons I’ve Learned in My First Month on Yelp’s Design Team

Will 철민 Scharlott
3 min readFeb 13, 2020

Starting any new job is as exciting as is nerve-wracking. If you forgot (or are compartmentalizing that chapter), let me assist by setting the scene…

Around the coffee machines, you’ll hear unfamiliar names spoken with respect — borderline reverence. Acronyms will be quickly recited as if they’re being merely invented through a combination of random letters. Most importantly, how long does it take to instinctually know the direction of the entrance when getting off the elevators onto the ground floor? When my internal compass figures that out, I’ll definitely know I belong.

Like any first chapter, the beginning lays the groundwork for what’s to come. In my first month as a product designer on the design systems team at Yelp, I’ve observed three prevailing themes throughout my conversations with a variety of product designers, researchers, managers, and other product thinkers. Here’s what I’ve taken away…

1. The design team embraces change

I’ve gotten a strong sense that I’m joining Yelp at an exciting time. Whether it be new product initiatives, a recent wave of new-hires or changing design leadership, the team’s culture seems to be a direct reflection of the many evolving areas of growth Yelp has experienced in the past year. In multiple instances, I’ve been excitedly told “you’re coming in at a good time.” I believe it.

I’ve noticed the design team has embraced foundational, seismic changes that ripple throughout the entire design culture. As a new hire, it’s exciting to see these changes happening because it signals openness, growth and an evolution towards design excellence.

2. The team’s size allows for unique opportunities

As I’ve talked to various members of the team, there’s a sense of gratitude towards the team’s manageable size and by extension, opportunities that arise for ownership over new areas of work. As some work environments heavily enforce staying in your assigned lane and not disrupting the status quo, Yelp is open to collaboration and the exploration of trying your hand at multiple skills.

Hearing stories of product designers creating their own in-product illustrations and animations or conducting user research to validate their solutions would likely be uncommon at larger companies where each and every role has a specific owner and function.

3. People are excited to collaborate with Design Systems team

In a short amount of time, the design systems team has solidified itself as a valuable component of Yelp’s larger design efforts. Designers are eager and receptive to collaborate and align their solutions to the system established by the systems team.

As systems builds resources that meet the needs of the designers who use them, this collaborative relationship will continue to grow and mature over time. An open stream of communication, constant feedback and a level of flexibility towards adaptation will greatly contribute to this evolution and our team’s success.

Within my first month, I’ve learned a lot from meeting new people and hearing stories of their highs and lows. I’m excited to join this team and look forward to this ride. A big thank you to my manager, Chris and mentor, AQ for their guidance and feedback over the past 31 days.

I’m looking forward to what’s to come.

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